Safety is the foundation of all operations.
At Ready Resources our workforce culture is to ensure our teams maintain a Zero Harm, Zero Incidents and Zero Rework attitude at all times.
Our HESQ teams and management are continually striving to create innovative ways to address safety improvements both internally and for our clients.
We have in house stringent safety training programs and expectations of our workforce to ensure hazards and critical risks are identified with the right controls put in place through adopting the hierarchy of controls methodology and other means to eliminate a potential injury or fatality.
We work hard at ensuring that all our personnel have a safety mindset, high quality and multi-skilled to have the capabilities to work on all our clients’ sites and have the skills and knowledge required to deal with any onsite situations. All applicants for employment with Ready Resources are fully screened, undergoing compulsory drug and alcohol plus medical fitness testing. All work and personal references are checked and qualifications and registrations sighted, uploaded and stored to our database to ensure both accuracy and currency, prior to employment.